CSCMP and the Board of Directors have created a number of policies to aide in the understanding of our practices and procedures on and off site. These policies have been put in place to uphold CSCMP’s effort to maintain consistency and decorum for our events and the way we do business.

Conduct at CSCMP Meeting & Events

It is the policy of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (“CSCMP”) that all attendees of CSCMP-hosted meetings, events, and all other activities are expected to exhibit respectful, professional, and collegial behavior during such meetings, events, and activities (the “Policy”). The Policy applies to all CSCMP events, including but not limited to conferences, seminars, dinners, receptions, social gatherings, and networking events (“CSCMP Events”) and to social gatherings held in connection with CSCMP Events.

 Harassment of any attendee, staff member, exhibitor, vendor or other participant of a CSCMP Event or a social gathering held in conjunction with a CSCMP Event, is prohibited conduct and is not tolerated. CSCMP is committed to zero-tolerance for harassing conduct at all locations where CSCMP business is conducted. This zero tolerance policy also applies to meetings of all CSCMP Roundtables, councils, committees, task forces, and other leadership entities (each a “CSCMP Entity”), as well as other CSCMP-sponsored and supported events.


Harassment consists of unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical, or visual that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, marital status, citizenship or otherwise, and that: (1) has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment; (2) has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s participation in meetings or proceedings of CSCMP; or (3) otherwise adversely affects an individual’s participation in such meetings or proceedings or, in the case of CSCMP staff, such individual’s employment, employment opportunities or tangible job benefits.

Harassing conduct includes, but is not limited to: epithets, slurs or negative stereotyping; threatening, intimidating or hostile acts; denigrating jokes; and written, electronic, or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group and that is displayed on CSCMP’s premises or at a CSCMP Event or circulated in connection with any CSCMP Event. There simply shall not be any behavior that threatens the character of or shall be construed as hostile towards any individual including staff.

Harassing conduct also includes intimidation of participating individuals by a threat of consequences in order to compel actions by individuals or a group of individuals such as casting a particular vote.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment also constitutes discrimination, is unlawful, and is absolutely prohibited. For the purposes of this policy, sexual harassment includes: • making unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or other verbal, physical, or visual conduct of a sexual nature; and • creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment or otherwise unreasonably interfering with an individual’s participation in any CSCMP Event or activity or, in the case of CSCMP staff, such individual’s work performance, by instances of such conduct. Sexual harassment may include such conduct as explicit sexual propositions, sexual innuendo, suggestive comments or gestures, descriptive comments about an individual’s physical appearance, electronic stalking or lewd messages, displays of foul or obscene printed or other visual material, and any unwelcome physical contact of a sexual nature.


In support of CSCMP’s goal of providing a collegial and respectful environment, making disparaging comments about any attendee, staff member, exhibitor, vendor, or another participant of a CSCMP Event or a social gathering held in conjunction with a CSCMP Event is prohibited conduct and is not tolerated. Provided, however, that nothing in this paragraph or this Policy is intended to prevent any person from making a good faith report under the Policy or from assisting or participating in an investigation under the Policy.


Collusion and other anti-competitive behavior at any CSCMP Event or a social gathering held in conjunction with a CSCMP Event is a violation of the Policy and is strictly prohibited. In addition to violating the Policy, such actions may be unlawful and can result in civil and criminal penalties.

Fiduciary Duties

Individuals who have confidential information about CSCMP or any member, attendee, staff member, exhibitor, vendor or other participant in a CSCMP Event, must hold such information in confidence and shall not disclose such information without first receiving permission to do so from the owner or subject of such confidential information. Confidential information includes but is not limited to financial information, member information, marketing and business plans, strategic plans, and any other sensitive information learned through an individual’s affiliation with CSCMP.

No Retaliation

Retaliation against anyone for reporting a violation of the Policy or participating in any way in an investigation pursuant to the Policy is forbidden. Each complaint of harassment or retaliation will be promptly investigated. Where possible, CSCMP will keep complaints and the terms of their resolution confidential.

Operational Guidelines

CSCMP shall, through the Office of the President & CEO and Human Resources, implement and maintain mechanisms for reporting, investigation, and enforcement of the Policy.

Reporting Violations of the Policy

Any persons who believe they have experienced or witnessed conduct in violation of the Policy during any CSCMP Event or other activities associated with CSCMP should promptly notify the specific Event Leader, President & CEO and/or Director of Human Resources of such meeting or activity.


All reported violations of the Policy will be promptly investigated. Investigations should be tailored to the circumstances but generally will include interviews with the person reporting the incident, the accused individual, and, if appropriate, other witnesses to the alleged misconduct. Based on each investigation, CSCMP will determine whether a violation of the Policy has occurred. All reported violations of the Policy and the outcomes of investigations will also be promptly transmitted to CSCMP’s President & CEO and Director of Human Resources.

Disciplinary Action

If CSCMP determines that a violation of the Policy occurred, CSCMP may take immediate action to address the matter, which may include having the violator removed from the CSCMP Event or activity, without warning or refund.

Additional actions may include:

• Prohibiting the violator from attending future CSCMP Events or activities

• Removing the violator from leadership or other roles in CSCMP activities

• Prohibiting the violator from assuming a leadership or other role in future CSCMP activities

• Removing the violator from CSCMP membership for a specified time or indefinitely

• Notifying the violator’s employer or sponsoring organization of actions taken by CSCMP

• Referral to law enforcement

• Other remedial actions deemed appropriate by CSCMP


Where possible, reports, investigations, and disciplinary or remedial actions under the Policy will be kept confidential.

Assent to Policy

As a condition of attending and participating in any meeting of CSCMP entities, such as Roundtables, conferences, committees, or other CSCMP-hosted meetings or activity, each attendee will be required to acknowledge and accept (i) CSCMP policies concerning conduct at CSCMP meetings, including the Policy on Conduct at CSCMP Meetings and Events and (ii) applicable adjudication and disciplinary processes for violations of such, and all attendees are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with these policies.

Additionally, individuals elected or appointed to a leadership role in CSCMP or its affiliates will be required to acknowledge and accept the Policy on Conduct at CSCMP Meetings and Events and these Operational Guidelines.

Policy Timeline

This policy was created April 2024

Antitrust Policy

The policy of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) is to comply fully with all federal and state antitrust laws applicable to its programs and activities. Each member, officer, director, and employee is individually responsible for compliance to this policy.

Antitrust laws are designed to promote competition, and have been applied to prohibit a broad range of conduct among competitors that unreasonably restrains trade. CSCMP’s programs and activities, both in an aggregate and local on a roundtable level, may entail communications among competing organizations engaged in supply chain related activities. Therefore, it is imperative that you avoid inappropriate conduct that could raise antitrust concerns.

The guidelines highlight conduct that can raise the most serious concerns, but do not describe all antitrust standards applicable to CSCMP and its members. You should use good judgment in connection with all CSCMP activities and avoid any conduct that violates the antitrust laws. You also should seek guidance from your own counsel if specific antitrust concerns arise.

DON’T discuss the following at CSCMP programs or meetings:

  • Prices or those of other industry members.
  • Other price-related information about your business or that of any other industry members (i.e., costs, discounts, profit margins, terms of sale, credit terms, pricing procedures, or formulas, etc.)
  • Allocation of markets, customers, products, or services
  • Whether pricing or other competitive practices of any industry member are improper or objectionable
  • Whether to deal or refuse to deal with any industry member dues to its pricing or other competitive practices
  • Your future intentions or those of any other industry member concerning pricing, marketing, purchasing, or the geographic/product scope of operations
  • Any confidential, competitively-sensitive information

Please note: Certain exchanges of sensitive information may be permissible within the antitrust laws under narrow exceptions. Only the CSCMP President/CEO, in consultation with legal counsel, may authorize such exchanges to ensure compliance with the law.

CSCMP Annual Conference-Affiliated Functions

Because networking is a vital component of the CSCMP Annual Global Conference experience, CSCMP encourages social events held by your organization when association-sponsored activities are not occurring. These times are:

  • Sunday, in the evening but starting no earlier than 30 minutes following the close of the Welcome Reception
  • Monday, in the morning but ending prior to the start of the first Educational Sessions or again in the evening but starting no earlier than 30 minutes following the close of the Learning Exchange Reception
  • Tuesday, in the morning but ending prior to the start of the first Educational Sessions or again in the evening but starting no earlier than 30 minutes following the close of the Networking Reception

CSCMP is happy to assist your organization by initiating contact with its convention center and hotel partners to begin the process of securing event space. Please contact the CSCMP Meeting Services Department at +1.630.574.0985.

All affiliated function costs are the responsibility of your organization, and CSCMP assumes no financial commitment.

Please note: All organizations using any CSCMP controlled function space will be required to remit an administrative fee of $0.25 US per square foot of function space being used for an affiliated function.

Member List Policy

The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) will, on occasion, exchange lists with other well-established associations, organizations, or corporations for promoting CSCMP membership, educational events, or other purposes. We believe that the opportunities for cost reductions resulting from list exchanges conducted within the guidelines of this policy will help us deliver more, higher quality services to our members.

In exchanging lists, the following principles will always apply:

  • We will not sell, rent, give, or exchange lists with any organization if we believe doing so may endanger the trust between CSCMP and its members.
  • We will not sell, rent, give, or exchange member names to, with, or from any candidate for public office, committees or organizations supporting a candidate, political parties, or organizations that solicit funds for use in political campaigns for any purpose.
  • We will respect the privacy of all members by offering a means by which their names may be suppressed upon their request and we will honor their requests. We will provide notice of this option on our website and in other member communications. Members are encouraged to contact CSCMP at +1 630.574.0985 if they wish to be removed from any list.
  • We will maintain complete and accurate records of all uses of membership and donor lists for at least such time as required by law.
  • We will comply with the laws and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service, the State of Illinois, and the United States Postal Service.
  • We will allow certain high-level conference or association sponsors to conduct mailings to specific groups within our database. These mailings are approved by CSCMP prior to distribution, and they are conducted through the CSCMP Mailing House so that the sponsor never gets access to our database information.